
By Home Care Assistance Carmichael, 9:00 am on February 19, 2019

Many seniors with dementia become agitated or angry when the sun starts to set, which is a unique symptom known as sundowning. Doctors aren’t exactly sure what causes sundowning, but some experts believe it’s the result of certain chemicals flooding the brain at the end of the day. Here’s a…

By Home Care Assistance Carmichael, 9:00 am on February 5, 2019

Finding new forms of exercise for your senior loved one can keep things interesting, and the right workout can address his or her changing needs. Today, Pilates is a popular form of exercise that attracts both younger and older adults because its simple movements produce major benefits. Now that your…

By Home Care Assistance Carmichael, 9:00 am on January 22, 2019

As people age, falling becomes more dangerous, and they may be more susceptible to fractures as a result of bone thinning disorders such as osteoporosis. Seniors aren’t just susceptible to falling while walking. They may also be prone to falling out of bed at night. Fortunately, there are some ways…

By Home Care Assistance Carmichael, 9:00 am on January 8, 2019

Caregiving is a tremendous responsibility, and you want to know the care you provide to your parent honors how he or she has cared for you over the years. While you should expect to experience a few challenges as you adjust to your role, you can use these strategies to…

By Home Care Assistance Carmichael, 9:00 am on December 18, 2018

A healthy and well-balanced breakfast can boost a senior’s energy levels and set the tone for the rest of the day. Older adults can also reduce their risk of malnutrition and nutritional deficiencies by starting off each day with a nutritious meal packed with vitamins and minerals. Here is a…

By Home Care Assistance Carmichael, 9:00 am on December 4, 2018

After years of spending holidays together, it’s good to think of something different to do for Christmas with your aging parent. As you get excited about having this special day together, consider planning one of the following activities to strengthen your bond. Start a New Tradition Families often have traditions…

By Home Care Assistance Carmichael, 9:00 am on November 20, 2018

As adults grow older, they may become more susceptible to slips and falls. However, performing regular leg exercises helps seniors protect their bone health and prevent falls. Here are some of the best leg exercises for older adults to try. Back Leg Raises When completing back leg raises, seniors typically…

By Home Care Assistance Carmichael, 9:00 am on November 6, 2018

When people think of Black Friday, they often imagine queues of people lining up to buy big screen TVs and the latest Apple products. However, the average caregiver may be less interested in high-priced entertainment centers and more interested in useful items. Here are six items sure to make your…

By Home Care Assistance Carmichael, 9:00 am on October 16, 2018

Being overweight can contribute to a variety of medical conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease. A group of scientists published an article in an issue of Molecular Psychiatry revealing that being overweight in the senior years seems to accelerate the development of Alzheimer’s. Here’s what you need to know about how weight impacts…

By Home Care Assistance Carmichael, 9:00 am on October 2, 2018

Heart disease is fairly common in aging adults, especially among those who have unhealthy habits. You can boost your senior loved one’s heart health by taking the following steps. 1. Encourage Daily Physical Activity Getting regular exercise is one of the best ways to reduce the risk of heart disease….